- Where are the complete official specs of the IPAD?
Visit http://www.apple.com/ipad/specs
- How do I turn off/on the IPAD?
To turn on the IPAD, depress the ON/OFF button. The Apple logo will show and later you will be asked to enter a Passcode.
To turn off the iPAD, depress the ON/OFF button for a time until you see a slide to power off control. Do as instructed.
- How do you adjust the screen brightness of the IPAD?
Go to Settings>Brightness & Wallpaper. On the topmost screen control,
slide the brightness control to desired setting.
It is always a good idea to set Auto-brightness to ON.
- How do you adjust the volume control?
For hardware control, rock the volume control up or down to desired setting.
For software control, goto Settings > General > Sounds and adust the slider. This sets the maximum volume of the sound.
- I find the clicks when typing annoying. How do I turn it off or on?
Goto Settings > General > Sounds > Keyboard Clicks and set to OFF.
Set it to ON to restore the key clicks.
- How do I remove applications?
Beware of this action!! Removing applications will remove any work created by the application.
Tap the app icon, hold, until it and all icons wiggle. Then press the X border icon of the application
to delete. You will be asked to confirm the deletion. To stop the other icons from wiggling, press the
bottom main HOME button.
- What/where are the office productivity apps for the IPAD?
The Ipad as bought comes with the following builtin applications:
Pages - document processing
Keynotes - create and display presentation slides
Numbers - spreadsheet
This post to be frequently revised.
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