Monday, December 27, 2010

IPAD users most faithful marketeers of the device.

My original plan was to buy a Samsung tablet but I ended up buying the Apple PAD two days ago.
Here is my research collaborator in scientific computing who convinced me that the IPAD fit best my financially poor lifestyle.

Reading articles or books seems ok on the IPAD. But I have to dig deeper to find the treasures hidden in the IPAD.


My IPAD has no bluetooth?! (Of course it has!)

it is too late for me now, but I just discovered that my IPAD has no bluetooth connectivity.
and I have been rash! There is a hidden bluetooth in my IPAD! I only discovered it this morning,
under Settings | General. Sorry for that.

Here is a critical review of the IPAD from review of IPAD

Never mind but since I might go into professional blogging someday, this IPAD will be useful for me as a source of inspiration for articles.

Prepare to be disappointed. The Samsung Galaxy now looks so much better! Why not have both? Then we double our sources of blog articles.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Welcome to my new blog!

December 27, 2010- Cheers this holiday season! I bought an IPAD yesterday at Megamall. My hope is to be more productive with it and this blog is to prevent turning the IPAD into an expensive toy, eating precious resources (money) but to assist in getting out the most of this innovative product from Apple
for education(our academic work) and extra curricular work when we finally retire (consultation on solutions to statistical, mathematical, engineering problems).

So stay tuned! We shall show why buying the IPAD , and using the IPAD may be the best decision I and you have ever made! This blog is a perfect addition to our current "Me and my Nokia C3", "Me and my Samsung ES30" technical product blogs!

Let us not dwell too much on the hardware limitations of the IPAD. It has no camera and has no no standard USB ports.Everything must be done through WIFI, bluetooth or G3 communications.

Let us welcome the New Year with inner hope that one can achieve his/her creative potential and be happy with the things which really matters.